Timing Your Magick Work

Planetary Hours

Creating a successful Magickal Working means Timing Your Magick Work correctly. In order to be effective, it is important that we perform any Magick during a favorable Planetary Hour.

Whereas the Full and New Moon times are solid against all time zones, the Planetary Hours are not. Planetary Hours are calculated based on the time of Sunrise and Sunset. The Sun does not rise simultaneously in different places within the same Time Zone. For example, Dallas, Texas, and Minneapolis, Illinois, are both in the Central Time Zone. At 10:00 pm on May 7, 2024, a Mars Hour begins in Minneapolis. But in Dallas, on the same day, the Mars Hour starts at 9:56.

For demonstration purposes I have created  the table below showing the Planetary Hours before and after the New Moon starting point On May 7, 2024.

Moon Magick

It took me an hour to put all of this together. For you, since you are only looking at one geographical area, it’s easy to find the Planetary Hour. You can get an app, or visit a website!

So once you know the Planetary Hour…

Regarding New or Full Moon Magick, your hour is not a matter of choice. We have to work with the Moon’s time, not our desire. There’s always a way to do that. It’s about setting your intention to match the Planetary Hour. Here’s a breakdown of the seven Planetary Hours and how to use them;

Sun Hour for Magick

Sun Hour:

Ideal for career advancement, job-related tasks, promotions, delivering presentations, public speaking, enhancing social standing, interacting with authority figures, and focusing on health improvement. I also use the Sun for blessings and consecrations. The Sun represents Light. Blessings and consecrations are when we call on the Light to protect and heal. The Sun is a Star; it can help you become one!

Moon Hour for Timing Your Magick Work

Moon Hour:

Suitable for tasks that involve change or are temporary, fostering intuition or creativity, and handling domestic activities. The Moon also enhances receptivity. If you are trying to become more receptive to love or money, the Moon is your girl. The Moon also loves to help you improve your intuition. Again, its ability to improve receptivity comes into play here. By the way, if you want children, remember many of us call the Moon “Mom.”

Timing Your Magick Work Mercury Hour

Mercury Hour:

Great for logical and rational activities such as abstract thinking, mental alertness, communication-related tasks like speaking, paperwork, email, or fixing computer issues. Also known as the trickster, Mercury can fool you. So, I am advising caution if you are emotionally upset. In that case, Mercury may tell a tale to get you to calm down. He, Mercury, is not a fan of tears and lamentations. Mercury is also favorable for dealing with siblings and learning. In Magick, a wave to Mercury is essential. Because Magick is about communication and intention. Your mind, especially your subconscious, has to be on board. So honoring Mercury and including something in your work that opens the mind is important. Additionally communicating your intention throughout your being is important. You have to get the subconscious onboard and utilize all of yourself: your mind, body, emotions, and spirit.

Venus Hour Timing Your Magick Work

Venus Hour:

Perfect for social events, love-related matters, courtship, marriage, personal appearance enhancement, financial investments, reconciling after conflicts, mediating disputes, and achieving peace. Venus is all about attracting desirable outcomes, including money and love. Whether you want a new job or a new love, Venus is your wingwoman.

Timing Your Magick Work Mars Hour

Mars Hour:

Optimal for activities requiring physical effort, boldness, courage, and proactive behavior when emotions are stable. Mars is the warrior. So if angry or stressed, especially in relationships, Mars can lead to confrontations. It can also add excitement to relationships because Mars is about sexual desire. Mars is also about ambitions in general. So, want to get off your ass? Mars will pull you up.

Timing Your Magick Work Jupiter Hour

Jupiter Hour:

Jupiter is beneficial for success in all endeavors and initiating important tasks. Another feature of Jupiter is the ability to expand things; love, money, joy, knowledge. However, be wary of overindulgence. Justice is also in the purview of Jupiter. I once sued a boy for not returning my phone call. The Magick I did on a Jupiter Day and in a Jupiter Hour helped me win the lawsuit.

Timing Your Magick Work Saturn Hour

Saturn Hour:

Suitable for organizing tasks, tackling tedious work, breaking habits, and accepting and managing responsibilities. I use Saturn hours for establishing stability and longevity. Saturn builds foundations that will last a lifetime. However, if you are building something on unstable land, Saturn will let you know. If your foundation is not in place, Saturn will make sure you build one before you start the project. If you have responsibilities that are in the way of your new ventures, Saturn will also make sure you take care of them first.

Calendar Timing Your Magick Work


Each day has a Planet too! Here are the days Planetary Rulers:

  • Sunday – Sun
  • Monday – Moon
  • Tuesday – Mars
  • Wednesday – Mercury
  • Thursday – Jupiter
  • Friday – Venus
  • Saturday – Saturn

The attributes described above are the same here.

What’s Next?

There are other considerations when Timing Your Magick Work. We have to consider what sign the Moon is in. Then, we look at what’s going on in your Astrological chart. We also consider what Numerological Cycle you are in. Creating Magick Workings at the right time is one of the ways to succeed in materializing your desires. But all of that is for another day.

I’d be honored to help you time your work. The cost is $20. Given your Natal Chart and the current placements of the Planets, we can determine what you are working with. From that, we can determine the best time for you to engage in a Magickal Working and the cycles you are in. You can purchase a consultation Now!


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