Chaos of Vanderpump Rules Lisa
The Turned-Up Chaos of Vanderpump Rules – Lisa? So I was going to go on to another Housewife. But then I saw a trailer for the new season of Vanderpump Rules. I just couldn’t resist.  Who can? The show is the epitome of recurring train wrecks. What really piqued my interest was a comment made by Lala in the trailer.

It’s not my favorite Lala quote. The all-time best, in fact, the all-time best, throughout all of the Bravo reality circus, came from her in her first season.

In a confessional, she said, “It’s not like I’m getting paid to have sex.”

She paused and said, “That would be cool.”

But this year’s is quite is fun too; “I’ve never experienced someone who gets cheated on, and suddenly she becomes god.”

With so many players, I am going to break this expose over several posts. I will start with individual posts regarding the individual players and what they are dealing with transit-wise. We’ll go on to their interactions and issues with each other.


From Real Housewives of Bravo To Leader Of The Pack

I’m going to start with the grande dame, Lisa Vanderpump.  When I first looked at her chart, a lot became clear.

First, we have her birthday, 9/15/1960, which adds up to 22. Lisa is a Physical Universe graduate who came back to help everyone through this incredible time. This is a time when enlightenment is far more attainable than it usually is. Many who are Masters, like Lisa, came back to help others on the journey. I think it was the Dali Lama who said, “All Buddhas are called.” Lisa is one of them.

As a 22, she is a master builder. Now, doesn’t that sound like our girl?

She Isn’t Perfect, She Is Perfecting

Without her birth time, I cannot tell if she has a T Square or a Grand Cross. Either way, she chose to clean up some karma. To Ascend, as graduates do, one only has to clear up 51% of their karma. She is balancing more karma in this incarnation.

A T Square and a Grand Cross both indicate intense lessons for the person. So, Lisa isn’t perfect. During the next few years, these problems will present themselves.

Mutable signs, which Lisa’s planets in this configuration are in, are chameleons of the zodiac. People with Mutable Planets are constantly adapting and seeking balance. Their healing and reasoning abilities depend on how they integrate various aspects: Gemini blends thoughts and feelings, Virgo organizes concepts and healing, Sagittarius embraces diversity and wisdom, and Pisces taps into compassion and spirit.

Under pressure, they may scatter like leaves in a storm. Mutable struggle to unify their scattered thoughts.

Finding harmony across different areas of life is key for those with a Mutable Grand Cross or T Square. Juggling various energies without losing sight of core goals is their superpower.

When faced with challenges, they instinctively transform and dodge obstacles. Their scattered reactions might seem chaotic, but a desire for change exists. The challenge lies in unifying their diverse responses to achieve clarity and balance.

In essence, Mutables thrive on adapting. But finding cohesion within their multi-faceted nature is their ultimate quest.

Life doesn’t hand out T Squares and Grand Crosses like treats. These intense aspect patterns are crucibles where strength is forged. Resilience is honed through personal trials and inner conflicts, and emotional wisdom blooms. Character is forged in the fire of challenges. This hard-won determination and life experience become the cornerstone of their greatest achievements, laying the path for extraordinary success.

Here Come the Gods of Change

Neptune will be transiting this problematic part of Lisa’s chart over the next few years.

Neptune’s visits stir the soul, not just the spirit. We become super-feeling sponges, soaking up emotions and maybe even catching glimpses of the future. But all this newfound sensitivity can be a tidal wave if we don’t build a seawall of acceptance. That’s the secret: make room for the extra “feels” in our lives.

So, Lisa will be “on the cross” over the next few years.

Delusion and Confusion Call

Neptune will be opposite her Sun. Her Sun in Virgo speaks to her appreciation of beauty. It also explains her love of animals, as Virgo rules the Sixth House, which is the House of fur kids.

The transit of Neptune opposing the Sun will provide revelations about her genuine identity, potentially concealed for an extended period. Neptune serves as a reflective surface through the individuals in our lives. Through relationship dynamics, she will likely gain deeper insights into herself over this year or two.

I always tell people they have two choices while going through a Neptune transit. The first is delusion, deception, sacrifice, and addiction. The other choice is developing spiritual awareness, artistic endeavors, and selfless service. Don’t get me wrong about selfless giving. We can give without expecting anything back without sacrifice. All Transits offer a high side and a low side. Free will allows us to make a choice of how we want to experience it.

The Neptune Veil May Cover Many Aspects Of Life

Lisa might discover that Neptune leads her to project specific ideals or attributes onto individuals or situations, which may align with her desires but lack actual reality. Consequently, events or people will reveal discrepancies between her vision and the actuality.

Coming to terms with this awareness can be challenging, as it is frequently linked to feelings of disbelief, fear, or confusion. Confronting unpleasant truths during this transit will likely induce insecurity and exposure. Her ego may undergo a bit of a blow, causing her to feel deflated, weakened, or even defeated.

She might experience feelings of suspicion, mistrust, paranoia, and hypochondria. While these emotions are often viewed negatively, they may have some valid grounds. It is important for her to acknowledge these feelings and actively address them. If she senses dishonesty from others, the initial step is self-reflection to ensure she is completely honest with herself and them.

She needs to address misunderstandings, with improvements to follow. This might leave her feeling diminished. The transit has the potential to bring health issues to the forefront. Resolving them may take time, given that the confusion extends to medical tests and doctor consultations

This transit has been going on for a while. It sounds like “Sandoval.” I suspect there have been, and will be, other experiences like this.

She May Want To Stay In Bed

Neptune will also be Squaring her Mars. One thing to keep in mind is that because she is a woman, the issues may present themselves through the men in her life.

When Neptune forms a square aspect with natal Mars in transit, it introduces a phase of tension and challenges related to energy, drive, assertiveness, and actions. Neptune, representing dreams, idealism, spirituality, and occasionally illusions, squares Mars, the planet associated with action, energy, and desire. This combination can lead to confusion and a heightened need for clarity.

This transit primarily manifests as doubt and confusion regarding goals, desires, and actions, prompting questions about the direction of life and creating uncertainty about motivations.

The square between Neptune and Mars may decrease motivation and drive, making it challenging to summon the energy and enthusiasm needed to pursue goals, leading to a sense of lethargy.

She might become more idealistic about her desires and ambitions, but this idealism could verge on fantasy. It’s crucial to differentiate between realistic goals and dreams that may be unattainable.

The challenges posed by the Neptune square to natal Mars include a test of willpower and dependence on others. It’s essential to steer clear of dubious schemes and unrealistic projects while being vigilant about dishonest individuals. Though defeat may induce a sense of weakness, this phase is temporary. Taking care of her health becomes crucial during this period of low energy.

Dream Or Nightmare?

Neptune will also be Squaring her Jupiter. Some of this may play out through her husband.  That’s because Jupiter represents “husband” in a woman’s chart.

Neptune and Jupiter are squaring off. This cosmic clash stirs a brew of tension and adjustments while juggling her deepest dreams with the cold, hard facts of reality.

Neptune, the master of illusions and yearnings, whispers promises of expansion and possibilities. Jupiter, the champion of optimism and growth, urges us to grab life by the horns and make it happen. But with a square in play, these energies become tug-of-war opponents, leaving us in the middle.

Suddenly, her grandest visions crash against the limitations of daily life. Is that dream jewelry feasible? Can she chase butterflies while bills pile up? Navigating this balance between aspirations and grounded practicality becomes the job.

This transit asks her to be wary of falling victim to escapism. Sugarcoating situations or overidealizing people can set her up for a nasty dose of disappointment when reality comes knocking.

Neptune’s dreamy haze can cloud judgment in matters of money, leading to impulsive decisions, questionable investments, and confusion about her budget. She has to proceed with caution when it comes to finances and double-check every deal before signing on the dotted line.

Hidden Perks in The Neptune Fog

This transit is a potent catalyst for spiritual and philosophical growth. She’s free to explore the deeper reaches of her belief system and values. She will have to seek out wisdom, question assumptions, and open her mind. She might just discover a whole new understanding of herself and the world.

Neptune-Jupiter Square is about finding a harmonious blend between dreamy ideals and the gritty realities of life. The universe is asking her to embrace opportunities and learn from stumbles. Looking ahead her brightest dreams still sparkle, she’ll find them within reach. If that isn’t enough, Uranus is now Squaring her Uranus. This happens twice in life. First when we are in our early twenties and again when we are in our early to mid-sixties. If Lisa looks back to that early age, she will see how much she has grown from that period and what growth she is offered now.

Shocks to The System: Uranus Squares her Uranus

Imagine life as a serene sailboat gliding across a sun-dappled ocean. Suddenly, a rogue wave crashes – it’s a Uranus square. A cosmic jolt brings change, often jarring and unpredictable. Like a stormy sky swirling with dark clouds, the square aspect brings tension and a sense of needing to adjust, adapt, and make some quick turns on the fly.

This cycle can feel like we’re sailing in uncharted waters, unsure of the destination but aware of what we don’t like. Think of it as exploring a dark cave – the bumps and scrapes teach what walls to avoid, hinting at the path forward. She will have to pay attention to what makes her frustrated, for these are signposts pointing toward what she needs to leave behind.

The beauty of a Uranus square is that it awakens desires and truths buried in forgotten corners of our hearts. These desires might seem strange, unconventional, or shocking to our minds. We discover secret passions for building elaborate sandcastles, something we never knew we longed for until the tide washed away our old plans.

My Not-So-Humble Advice

So, as the winds of change whip her sails, I hope she remembers: a Uranus square is not a disaster but a chance to redefine her course, embrace her hidden desires, and sail toward a future as unique and unforgettable as she is.

Uranus Transits are about freeing ourselves to be ourselves. They are also about changing the world. My Psychic Astrologer antenna is suggesting that this transit will bring out Lisa’s inner activist. Though she has worked on ending the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, I think she will do more. I “see” that this festival is coming to an end soon. I believe she will play a big role.

Change becomes inevitable during a Uranus square, often dramatic and unpredictable. Think of it as a course correction, steering clear of the rocks to reach a new, uncharted harbor. It will be easier to handle if she embraces the upheaval because it’s clearing the way for genuine clarity. It’s like playing a game of life’s pick-up sticks – throw old, rigid plans into the air and see what unexpected patterns emerge.

This is a time for bold decisions, for shaking things up in areas like studies, careers, relationships, or even where we choose to live. My advice is:  don’t be afraid to surprise yourself. Remember, the most breathtaking landscapes often lie beyond the storm, waiting to be discovered just as the clouds part.

The God’s Bring A Gift

On the plus side, Pluto is Trining her Mercury.

I hope Lisa is preparing for a mental metamorphosis, for Pluto is waltzing with her natal Mercury. It will amplify her mind and consciousness. Hidden depths within will rise to the surface, shifting her perception and allowing her to weave intricate insights into the tapestry of her life. Ambitions might be reevaluated, shedding off material shackles and embracing deeper desires.

Astrology, metaphysics, and the whispers of the universe will call to her, beckoning her toward exploration. Encounters with insightful minds will illuminate life’s hidden corners, elevating her consciousness to new heights. My advice: Seize this opportunity to learn, to share, to delve deeper. Knowledge will flourish, her voice finding new and powerful resonances.

I hope she embraces this transformative dance; within it lies the potential to rewrite her inner landscape and illuminate the world with newfound understanding. This journey of self-discovery is a symphony of mind and spirit poised to reach a grand crescendo.

Lisa came here to move mountains. Now is when she gets to do that. We get to watch.

Next, we will travel through the technicolored world of Lala.

Whenever you want to dive deeply into what’s going on with you, I’m here. Head over to Readings and order yours. Trust I’ll know some tea even you don’t know!



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