Chaos of Vanderpump Rules Lisa

The Turned-Up Chaos of Vanderpump Rules—Lala? Looking at Lala’s chart is as much fun as watching her. All of Bravo has at least one fun character who provides that much-needed comic relief. Lala certainly brings that, sometimes in a sarcastic comment, sometimes through innocence. She is funny. Her chart explains why.

It also explains why she is so misunderstood. Labeling her as shallow is easy until you get a little closer. When that happens, she is an enigma.

In the turned-up chaos of Vanderpump Rules, Lala’s contribution is greater than even she realizes. That’s probably because her contribution to the planet is greater than she realizes.

Lala has a Three Birthpath. Individuals with a Life Path Number 3 possess a charming, romantic nature. Three’s are brimming with creative energy. They embrace life with enthusiasm. Their perception of the world is that it has endless opportunities for expression and enjoyment. These individuals excel in communication. They possess a talent for generating and sharing brilliant ideas. As journalists, bloggers, social media influencers, or authors, they thrive. She will continue to reach the masses.

But let’s get on to the Astrology.

Sharp  As A Tack

The first thing we see in Lala’s chart is a very sharp mind. Her Mercury is in Virgo, which makes her practical, logical, and quick to learn. Her tasks is  learning how to retain the knowledge she gains. It’s hard for her to remember that the world is not ruled by reason but by passion, emotion, and self-interest. She does not suffer fools.

Her Mercury is Trine Saturn in Capricorn, leading to more stability, especially regarding business sense. It is also Sextile Pluto in Scorpio, which allows her to see deep within any issue or person she has concerns about.

In a recent show, she announced that one of her employees was her “brain.” She already has a great one. It may not be technically orientated, and there is no suggestion that math is her forte. But understanding what is going on and making great decisions is her forte.

These positions and aspects indicate that she is also a great communicator.  Her Astrological makeup and her Numerological Life Path Number make her a fierce competitor in social media. Picking a fight with Lala is a fool’s choice.

The Doll On The Couch

No, I’m not taking this where you think I’m taking this. I’m referring to her very early childhood. Early childhood experiences are always shown in the chart. They shape the adult.

Lala has the Moon in Aquarius and Venus in Leo. They are opposing signs, which shows conflict. The Moon represents the mother’s effect on us regarding physicality. Aquarius is not a touchy-feely sign. When the Moon or Venus is in Aquarius, it tells me that at some point, the mother was content placing the child on the couch, a doll for others to appreciate.

Venus tells of the mother’s psychological impact. Leo is passionate and loving when pride is not in the way. This opposition shows that her mother didn’t like her role as a woman. It says love will not be a ride in the park. There is a karmic debt to pay. Love will come when she pays the debt. Until then, Lala probably feels love is withheld. The payment is giving love.

Many people ask me “S/he loves me.” Moon in Aquarius tells me s/he could, but s/he doesn’t need love through intimate relationships. The needs are met through groups of people and/or the masses. This doesn’t mean s/he isn’t loving or doesn’t desire love. It simply means that fulfilling needs doesn’t come through intimate relationships.

Venus Square Moon is difficult. But like all difficult aspects, we rectify it through great creative energy.

Great, Great Love.

Without her birth time, we don’t know if her Venus is aspecting anything important. We know that it doesn’t aspect any planets. But we don’t know if Venus is in a bad place without the House placement. Venus in Leo, Lala draws people and resources toward herself through great love. This is a bit dramatic, perhaps, and potentially prideful.

One key to fulfilling love is to be loving. Being the Queen doesn’t help at all. Venus in Leo expresses a desire for others to worship her. Overcoming that desire allows great love to flow both ways. When attempting to fulfill a desire, she can achieve the outcome when the outcome is about becoming more loving. The opposite of that is an outcome adding to pride. It’s a big lesson.

It’s a lesson we all have to learn. When we want something or when we are trying to decide if we should keep something, the question to ask is, “Will having this make me love myself more.” We are not loving ourselves if we hold onto things because we fear letting go. We waste our manifesting abilities when we want something new only to augment pride.

Venus in Leo suggests a great capacity to love. Basking in that glow is always a joy. She’s one of those people who lights up the room.

Trailblaze Much?

Pluto has just entered Aquarius. We don’t know when it will hit her Moon without her birthtime. We can estimate that it is between 15 and 20 degrees Aquarius because of her decision to have a child through technology. Uranus is traveling between 15 and 20 degrees Taurus now. Uranus rules innovative, futuristic things. Moon rules motherhood. This could have been a trying time because Uranus is Squaring her Moon. That could cause sudden problems with women and the home because the Moon rules those things, too. Instead, she turned to creativity, offsetting the negative aspects of the transit. Go Girl!

New Classes In The School Of Life

Though we can’t be certain when Pluto will hit her Moon, it will hit her North and South Nodes and Jupiter over the next few years. In my experience, these transits are not too shattering. There are lessons, but they come like an adult education class, not an advanced university class. Both will affect the way she relates to others.

Lala’s North Node is in Aquarius, placing her South Node in Leo. The North Node represents the soul’s goals for this lifetime, while the South Node expresses what we have accomplished in past lives.

People with the Aquarius North Node have a natural brilliance and a strong sense of self. But their true calling lies in using their talents to benefit others. They learn to see themselves as part of a bigger picture, a network of humanity. This means letting go of a focus on themselves and working towards a greater purpose. They’re drawn to unique ideas and unconventional solutions. To succeed, they must ensure their creations or ideas reflect these values. Their greatest achievements come from sharing innovative ways to achieve goals globally. While technology can be a powerful tool, their work needs to have a deeper meaning beyond being new.

Her South Node in Leo says she’s been a star in past lives and learned the lessons of fame. She was probably adored by many. Though she has acquired some fame in this life, it is not important. It can be to her detriment if she gives it too much credence. It’s easy to fall back on lessons learned, but doing so does not create the growth our souls desire. Her decision to rebrand her cosmetic line indicates she is on track.

Dead And Buried Soon

Riding on the coattails of past life accomplishments is dying. Pluto is death. Part of us, the part that is not serving our higher purpose, dies during a Pluto transit.

During the Transit of Pluto Conjunct the North Node, Lala will experience a boost in determination, stamina, and willpower. This transit grants her power, control, and physical strength, which she is learning to manage.

If Lala feels passionate about a cause, she will now battle through any obstacles. She has the potential to succeed in many areas and the drive to see her goals through. This pursuit might even become an obsession for her.

She will possess an intuitive talent for understanding trends. She can  harness this strategically to her advantage. On a higher level, this aspect ignites a deep curiosity about the meaning of life, propelling her on a quest for truth and enlightenment.

Of course, she can wield these for the greater good of society or selfish purposes. There are temptations to exploit her powerful insights to manipulate others, becoming entangled in relentless power struggles.

This transit can distort and magnify Lala’s energies, leading to constant dissatisfaction with her level of control. The aggressive tendencies it arouses need an outlet and can turn destructive. Shady dealings or associations may enter her life. Illness, violence, or tragedy could also touch her at times.

Lala’s intuition grants her an understanding of how social trends form and how she can influence their transformation. This intuition will make her resourceful, but she must be cautious not to let the constant manipulation of social values negatively impact or confine her.

More Than One Gravesite

In a woman’s chart, Jupiter represents the husband. Jupiter represents more than that, but given her life circumstances at this time, I see Pluto Opposite Jupiter manifesting as her breakup with Randal.

First, this is an Opposition, so Lala will experience this as someone doing something “to” her. Pluto is all about power struggles. So what power struggles rise out of Randal’s position regarding their daughter?

I would suggest not engaging; observe instead. Randal is not Daddy material. He will play the role and use this relationship to win whatever battles they still have going on. He will eventually be gone. Any power struggles that erupt will be over by 2028. This will not go on forever.

As Pluto Opposes Natal Jupiter, ambitions and goals will be on fire, opening doors to significant achievements. But we have to stay aware! We easily get consumed by a power trip or tunnel vision for personal gain. We must remember that we all are responsible for others, and reckless pursuits could lead to legal trouble. This is the time for Lala to elevate her life while diving deeper into her psyche and exploring her dreams and aspirations. This transformative period aligns the most noble ideals. It gives a profound understanding of the inner and outside world.

I would suggest to Lala that she ask herself, “How can I navigate this ambitious phase while staying considerate of others’ needs and well-being?” Perhaps it involves seeking partnerships that benefit everyone involved or setting goals that contribute positively to her community. By finding ways to use her heightened drive for the greater good, she can ensure this transit empowers her and those around her. She can bury her old “man model.”

The Real Daddy

We all have an inner daddy we have to contend with—that internal parental voice that tells us we should do this and we should do that, and we aren’t doing either right. Lala’s internal parental voice is pretty cool, though. It doesn’t usually do much more than encourage her to succeed, especially in business.

However, over the next year, some authority figure will be on her case. This is a year not to exceed the speed limit, dot all the i’s, and cross all the t’s. This is Saturn, the big daddy in the sky, Opposing her Sun. On the downside, it can manifest as going against authority figures. On the upside, it can manifest as disciplining oneself to work hard. It’s never a fun transit.

Obstacles that arise now pave the way for future success. They are part of the foundation-building process that can be tedious.

Saturn Opposite Sun can be a real drain on one’s physical energy. So this is a year when Lala will want some “me time.”  We have to choose to take care of ourselves during this transit consciously. Even though others are saying, “do more.”

Ice Queen Or Generous Lover?

Lala is a paradox. Her Virgo Sun and Aquarian Moon do not promise warmth and generosity. But then we have her Venus in Leo which lights up the room and shines a love beam. To further complicate matters, her Mars in Gemini promises to act one way one day and another way the next. However, she came here to serve. Just expect her to do so without too much personal contact. She has everything she needs to have a big impact.

Before I go, note that Mars in Gemini also indicates men who cheat. When Lala fully accepts that she may not be the most monogamous person on the planet, she will overcome that karma. In a woman’s chart, Mars in Gemini in a woman’s chart often resolves itself through multiple careers and a youthful man. Looks to me like she’s getting there.

All in all, her chart does not show much conflict. She might have Pluto Square Moon, which would be pretty heavy, but we don’t know without her birth time.  There are no “magic” aspects that promise ease, either. What she does have is the ability to know what needs to happen and to get things done.  She is your quintessential hard worker.

Full disclosure, Lala is my favorite person on the show. Despite this, I’m not sure  I would work with her at this point. From what I see on the show, she is doing great without the tools I would bring.

Next, we will travel through the multi-faceted world of Tom Sandoval. That should be a doozy.

Whenever you want to dive deeply into what’s going on with you, I’m here. Head over to Readings and order yours. Trust I’ll know some tea even you don’t know!



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