Sweet Surrender

Back Then

So many years ago, I gave up. I admitted to myself that I would not be a rock star. My delusions of grandeur were destroyed, and I didn’t know what to do. I could not imagine a world wherein I was not going to serve. But how?  There was no dream of a platform to launch peace and love toward the masses. So, I surrendered it. I said, “God, whatever you want me to do, lead me to it.” Within a few months, I got involved in Animal Rescue and eventually created The Sanctuary, a home for once homeless animals. 

One of the things that was about was my Karma. It was totally my Karma to run The Sanctuary. To love and care for the Animals who became my family, my tribe. It was Purpose, but it was also Karma.


Lately, I’ve felt a bit lost about moving forward with some dreams. I seriously cannot figure this out. I remembered the above anecdote and decided to surrender it again. Let God do it. I’m not attached to how things happen, so I will turn this over. Let someone else do the casting and production.

But this time, I’m struggling with what surrender really means. Maybe I should just clean the house and ignore everything else. Or perhaps I can limit my tasks to a few blog posts and stream some shows while playing video games. None of that feels right, especially since the latter is pretty much what I’ve been doing; it hasn’t changed anything. Luckily, an aha moment came.

This time, I have to surrender to something greater. Not that God isn’t great, but I am not surrendering to Karma—just Purpose. The Guidance I received told me to raise my vibration—raise my vibration to match the vision. Huh? Now what? I needed another aha moment. I was in luck.

Shame, guilt, anger, and despair are all low-vibration energies. I can look at my house and feel all of those. So, yeah, I’ve got to clean the house. But how do I get to the higher vibrations, Love, Joy, and Enlightenment? Once again, it’s a choice.

I can easily focus on my dogs, nature, or the rabbits living within my memories and heart. I can feel my great Love for these beings in my life. When I do that, I feel an opening, a joy. I can maintain that feeling by choosing to. I can take a breath, if needed, and focus on that Love.

Sweet Surrender

This time, I am surrendering to Love and Joy. I am allowing myself to turn my life over to my greatest purpose, Love. I must remember that as I go through my day, with all of its petty disappointments and frustrations. It doesn’t sound too hard—just a little bit of mindfulness and discipline. Life is not a walk in the park until we decide to let it be a walk in the park. St. Germaine says, “Just be you. Don’t study religions or spiritual texts. Just be you.” If my purpose is to spread Love, I have to be Love. 

I can be Love. It’s another choice. These choices just keep coming, don’t they?


Sweet Surrender a Rabbit and a Dog


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