RHOBH Kyle Richards Horrorscope

RHOBH Kyle Richards Horrorscope

 RHOBH Kyle Richards Horrorscope is where I’ll start. Because Kyle! Mauricio! Say it ain’t so! Astrologically, it’s not looking good. However, I do not believe Kyle Richards will be getting a divorce. So let me back that up with some hardcore Astrology.

Years ago, researchers studied Solar Return Charts of people who had married or divorced in a particular year. Solar Returns are charts we create each year when the Sun returns to its exact position when we were born. The study found several indicators that they had in common. Thanks to this research, we can accurately predict marriages and divorces.

Unfortunately, we must have the birth time to create an accurate Solar Return. We do have that for Kyle, but not for Mauricio. After running Solar Returns for Kyle, an absolute divorce is not in the stars for now. However, the future of the marriage is not guaranteed. This drama won’t be complete until 2027.


It’s On You, Mauricio

Between June of 2023 and June of 2024, anything that happens is Mauricio’s karma. His behavior is being called into question. Any ideas he harbors about being worshipped are being thrown out the window. Mauricio’s Solar Return Mars is at Leo at 21 degrees, a Critical Degree. Mars represents our ambitions, actions, and energy. Mars in Leo is all about the struggle to overcome ambitions to be worshipped versus acting from the heart.

In addition to this, the choices Kyle is making are blowing his mind. They are the last thing he expected. He is probably fairly volatile. We see this because his solar return Uranus is squaring his Solar Return Mars and Venus. Uranus is the planet that gives us sudden, unexpected changes. Venus represents our relationships, our desires, and the women in our lives. He is mentally confused, and clarity is hard to find. Neptune, the planet of delusion and confusion, is Squaring his Mercury. Mercury is our mind, our thoughts, and our communications.

All of these planetary positions say, “Karma dude. This is your karma.”

A lot is implied by the planets’ placements in his Solar Returns over the next few years. But without a birth time, a  lot of what I see is speculative. Many planets are at Critical Degrees. When this happens, it is an indicator of endings and completions. However, without the time of birth, I can’t see where the endings or completions will be in his life. They could be in career or friendships, not in marriage.


Kyle’s In The Fire

We do have Kyles’s birth time. Based on her Solar Return, I don’t see a divorce. But Kyle is going through the fire.

We have heard how Kyle has issues with anxiety and childhood traumas. We can see these issues in her chart, and they are being triggered. This is happening in 2023 and 2024.

The first issue is an overactive mind. Remember Game Night? You know, when Kyle and Kim attacked Brandi?  Who could forget? I suspect a lot of people’s opinions of Kyle were formed back then. I hope people also remember how Kyle denounced her own behavior. Since that occurred, we have seen a change in Kyle. However, that viciousness is part of a larger issue that Kyle has to work on in this lifetime. We’ve been watching her do that.


Kyle’s Ego

Mars is the planet of ego. Kyle has Mars in Scorpio, a planet of fire in a sign of water. We’re talking a lot of steam here. This placement says persistence, passion, and power. People with this placement get what they want. However, there is a need to tame the animal within. Mars in Scorpio people must learn to draw through love, not fear. A strong ego is great. However, Love is greater. Self-discipline is extremely important, and Kyle came here to develop it.

Kyle’s Mars is also conjunct her IC. The IC, or Imum Coeli, in astrology is the point on the horoscope directly opposite the Midheaven (MC). It represents the foundation of our lives, our roots, and our family history. It is the cusp of the 4th House, which governs our home, family, and emotional roots.

Mars in the 4th House indicates a dominating and active mother. Anxiety, tension, and strife show up in the home life. Wherever we have Scorpio in our charts is where we sting other people the most. Peace and emotional tranquility come only after the karma has been cleared. Specifically by overcoming a hidden and overwhelming quarrel within. Much of what goes on is hidden from public view. Scorp is the sign of secrets.

This explains why Kyle is being so secretive about her marriage, as of Episode 8. Her unwillingness to disclose her issues will not go well for her. A lesson to learn is at hand.


Mouth and Mind

The link between Heaven and Earth, Mercury forever travels between the two, never on a one-way street. Mercury governs the mind, the intellect, and all communications. The mind is the link between personality and the soul. When a person is insane, Mercury withdraws, severing the connection between soul and body. Mercury sits in the House where we must pay attention, where awareness is necessary, and skills obtained.

Kyle has Mercury in Aquarius. Mercury is exalted in Aquarius. This is the best sign it can be in. This mind is not earthbound. It is resourceful and has good sense. It indicates a connection to groups and organizations. Speaking and writing are easy tasks for Kyle. But of course, there is a rub. There is stubbornness when afflicted, as Mercury in this chart is. We’ll get to the affliction in a moment.


What Kyle Agreed To Learn About

For now, we’ll look at the House placement. In this chart it’s a little tricky. This Mercury is at 10’31” Aquarius. The 7th House cusp also called the Descendant, is at 10’35” Aquarius. Though we would read this as a 7th House placement, it is technically in the 6th House. I interpret this as calling upon Kyle to pay attention to and expand awareness about the issues of both Houses. We actually see it playing out in both Houses now. Stay tuned, and I’ll explain later.

The universe is calling on Kyle to develop greater awareness and skills in regard to all things 6th and 7th House. The 6th House governs health, daily life, job, employees, pets, and food. It is the House of Service. The 7th House governs partnerships, relationships, lawyers, lower courts, and open adversaries. Mercury in the 7th indicates a need for conversation with others and domestic and career partnerships. It is “we consciousness” and cooperation.


The Mercury Mars War

Now that we have gone over the Planets, the Signs, and the Houses, let’s talk about the ongoing conflict. Mars and Mercury are squaring each other. Squares are one of the aspects that create greater issues in life. They show us our obstacles. They tell the story of lessons we haven’t learned in other lives.

The conflicts that arise from squares will continue to repeat until we figure out the solution. We often run away from them, but they will come up in another situation. Once resolved, they become a source of creativity.

Kyle has Mercury Square Mars. Simply put, her ambitions, physicality, and behavior are in great tension with her daily thought patterns and thoughts about partnership. There is a quarrel going on.

Her new dedication to working out is an excellent antidote. Her Mars (energy) is doing something positive instead of driving her anxiety.


Is She Who She Was?

Kyle’s lessons in this lifetime involve overcoming a tendency toward sarcasm and a bad temper. Thanks to the heavy Scorpio influence, she can be cruel. There is a propensity towards overpowering others to get what she wants. This is the animal nature (Mars) arguing with reason (Mercury). Game Night!

But we saw her work through a lot of that. A chart shows what we came to learn and balance. Life leads us through those changes. However, a few remnants may remain. We are watching the final cleanup now.

Another aspect of Mercury Square Mars is instability affecting the nervous system. To overcome this, healing anger and resentments become priorities. Kyle has talked about taking anti-anxiety medications. She has an opportunity now to clear up the issues that create this problem.

Anxiety is a symptom. There is something under the anxiety we are avoiding. Getting to the root of the problem clears the anxiety. Will Kyle Richards go that far? She could.


Why Now?

So, this is an issue now because of Kyle’s Solar Return Chart. In 2023’s chart, Uranus (earthquakes) and Venus (relationships) are aspecting the Mercury Mars Square.  In 2024’s Solar Return, Moon (home and emotions) and Jupiter (expansion) are aspecting the Square.

Uranus came in and did what Uranus does. It created upheaval and threw away some confinements and obstacles. It gave Kyle room to freely and completely be herself. She is not the woman Mauricio married. She is the new, improved version.

Her ambitions (Mars) changed. Her relationships changed. Even her values changed. The main thing she changed was what she wanted for herself. We call this Self Love. She may be leaving some of her emotional needs unfulfilled. But no worries. In 2024, she will make changes to address those emotional issues. That will play out in two areas. First, she will begin to create peace within herself regarding the women in her life. The second area will be changes in the home.

There’s a bit of a reprieve in 2025, but in 2026, Kyle will be back in the flames. That is the year a divorce is most likely to occur.


But Wait There’s More

We’re just talking about Solar Returns so far, but there are other things going on. I have been using Solar Returns to predict events for my clients for decades. So that’s my go-to. But we do see Kyle’s Progressed Moon Conjunct her Natal Mars and IC. This puts the Progressed Moon in the 4th House (the IC is also the cusp of the 4th House). The natural House of the Moon is the 4th House. It’s placement here makes it very strong. These issues will play out in the 4th House, the emotional body and the home.

Kyle’s Progressed Chart shows other issues. Her Progressed Venus is Conjunct her Progressed Saturn. Heavy responsibilities regarding depressing relationships. These planets are also Squaring her Sun. Saturn Squaring Sun is part of Kyle’s Natal Chart, so nothing new here. Kyle has always had an internal parental voice telling her there is something wrong with her. By this time, she may have overcome this. But with Venus entering this aspect, the negative voice could rise up, questioning her relationships and values.

Additionally, Progressed Venus is Squaring Natal Moon. When Progressed Venus Opposes Natal Moon, emotional reactions become more intense and dramatic. A typical occurrence is being overly critical of loved ones.

If it were just the Solar Return and Progressed Chart putting her through the wringer, we could just say, “such is life.” But there’s one more life shattering at hand, in my opinion.


One God After Another

All of the above started with a transit. A few years ago, Uranus was Opposite her IC. It Opposed her Mars and Squared her Mercury. We feel Oppositions as someone doing something to us. Uranus is sudden change, earthquakes. The purpose of Uranus is to free us of things that are in the way of our ability to be ourselves. One of the results of that transit seems to be a separation. There could be other things we haven’t seen. When Uranus finishes blowing everything up, we get to rebuild. But in this case, something else happened.

Pluto, the granddaddy of change, destruction, and transformation joined the theater. Howard Sasportas wrote a book entitled, “The Gods of Change.” The book is about the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Not only is it a great book, but its title has given us the perfect way to explain and understand the effect of the Outer Planets.

In this case, it is the final straw and the promise of greatness. Pluto destroys that which needs destruction and rebuilds. It is the Phoenix of the cosmos. It is life, death, rebirth.

So, where did it hit?

Pluto is Conjunct her Moon. It has been for a couple of years, and it will be for another year. This transit brings change.

Additionally, watch for Real Housewives of Beverly Hills to be players in these changes. Both Crystal and Annemarie have their Pluto Conjunct Kyle’s Moon. Kyle will feel drawn to these women and they to her. But power issues could arise. Control is an issue with these placements. These women will be conduits for change.


On A Side Note…

In looking at all of this, I see some interesting energy between Crystal and Annemarie. These women have a strong attraction to each other, conscious or unconscious. Yes, I do mean sexual. Their ability to get along is very questionable.

Remember the epic feud between Bethenny Frankel and Carol Radziwill of Real Housewives of New York? Like Crystal and Annemarie the Mars in their charts indicate conflict. So we’ll see where this one goes.

Kyle and Sutton have this same issue. In their case, it’s Mars in Scorp (Kyle) Square Mars in Aquarius (Sutton).  What makes their relationship at all workable is that they both have the Moon in Libra. So they have an emotional simpatico.  But can they get along? Not always. Kyle will feel Sutton acts weird (Mars in Aquarius) and Sutton will feel Kyle acts secretive (Mars in Scorp).

Mars conflicts, especially Mars versus Mars are all about ego. I am not anti-ego. We all have egos and egos are important to our health. However, when we let ego run our lives we have a problem.

Since we’re talking about other cast members, Dorit is going through some similar Transits. For her, two Transits are affecting her. Pluto is Opposite her Venus. Saturn is Conjunct her Moon. This explains the break in. That experience is very Plutonian. We don’t have her birth time, so I can’t be sure how long this will be an issue for her. I do see that there is a past life story behind this. I would love to see her connect with a Compassion Key Practitioner to clear the karmic imprints.

But back to Kyle and the potential divorce.


Bad Moon Rising?

For Kyle, this Pluto Transit is a big deal because of where her Moon is in the first place. Kyle’s Moon is at 28 Libra. Libra Moons can be tough. Libra is the sign of balance. We choose Libra placement because we are learning to balance. Not because we embody balance. A Libra Moon indicates a gentle person with masculine strength. There is a desire for lovability and a need for peace. But Peace at any price? So here we see one of the seeds of anxiety.

Now, 28 Libra is also in the Via Combusta. The what? Yeah, this is an added mess. The Via Combusta is an astrological term describing a zone of the zodiac. It is between 15 degrees Libra and 15 degrees Scorpio. When a planet or the Moon passes through this zone, it is in the Via Combusta, which translates to “the burning way.” This is a difficult and unstable placement for planets or the Moon. It indicates malefic influences like conflict, crisis, and unexpected changes. Not a great place for one’s Moon. Those seeds of anxiety receive plant food here.


All Together Now

So, when we put all of this together, we see that Kyle Richards is going through a major transformational period. But as I said, I don’t see a divorce. What I do see is an incredible opportunity for healing. Watching the show I see hope for that.

When we go through these periods we can choose destruction or transformation. Pluto Square Moon could create homelessness, major illness, intense problems for the women in ones life. Pluto is the planet of death, and therefore can bring death into ones life. A psychic is not suppose to prophesize death, because death is a choice. However I can say that the issue of death will come up during this period. If Kyle’s mother was still alive I would worry about her mortality. It is a time I warn people about. Pluto can be violent. Stay out of dark alleys. Do not try to manipulate others or gain power. Pluto is a lot about power. When Pluto Squared my Sun I bought my first home and my best friend died. When Pluto hits us, things will change. We can choose much of that change.

What we have seen Kyle do is quit drinking. That’s a major change. To me it’s a sign of growth and a willingness to heal. Will she take it to the next level? Will she heal the emotional issues she harbors?

Astrologically I see no divorce. I asked Tarot and my Guides, and both concurred. I do see change.

This is the perfect time for Kyle to embark on a spiritual journey. To deepen her ties to Light. Every point in the Zodiac has a symbol. Dane Rudhyar created the Astrological Mandala which consists of “pictures” for each point. The picture for 28 Libra is “A man becoming aware of spiritual forces surrounding and assisting him.”

I hope Kyle finds spiritual forces who can guide her to complete peace. It will take work and compassion. May those be hers.


Do We Know Her Now?

We have looked at five points of Kyle Richard’s chart. There are forty-eight. So this is a small glimpse into her and her life. Perhaps we will understand more as time goes on. Next, we’ll look at some of the interactions between the housewives. What’s behind the drama? That’ll be fun.

I can hardly wait to dive into the Real Housewives of Potomoc and Salt Lake City.

Whenever you want to dive deeply into what’s going on with you, I’m here. Head over to Readings and order yours. Trust I’ll know some tea even you don’t know!



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